Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Always Running

The book that im reading is call "Always Running" By Luis J.Rodriguez
The book focuses on the aouthor and how he grew up in the streets of California but most of the times the story happens in San Grabiel Valley and how when he lived there he was in a gang call 'Lomas' and how his life changed while growing up in the the gang life. He talks about the experiences that he went throught and all the hard things he had to see. He was telling a story that when he lived in Watts him and his brother went to buy groceries for his mom and to white kids were calling him and his brother 'rano' bad stuff and insulting them because they were mexican even thought they were born in california. That day his brother rano had cried for the very first time and rano was shamefull that he had cried because he was always the hard person in the family. Since that incident his and ranos relationship turned around and made their relationship fall apart.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Paranormal or Reality

I dont believe in paranormal stuff when they show it in the tv or in movies because all of that 'paranormal' stuff can be made by hand. I think that the animation and technology is too big and very powerfull that they can make this scenes look real true with just a couple of fixes scenes can look real. Also because when they show dead people etc they can put makeup on that person and that person would look real dead but fake.

Also with the help of photoshop you can make all this scenes and photos thatare supposely of dead people. In this picture you can see a ghost coming down the stairs but in photoshop you can take that picture and put blue on it and put the transparent down take the shadows and make this stuff look real. The face looks more transparent and you can see how its not in the girls body and the girls dress is more like a painting and could of been created just with the help of blur.

In the movie paranormal activity it shows this scene were the people are in the bed sleeping and what not.Then they are looking at something that is supposely a ghost or a paranormal 'thing'. If they see this paranormal thing then why cant we see it? I though that you can see ghost etc in pictures and videos. I think that this movies was just made in a lab and they put fake scenes and they edit the movie so good to make the audience get scare and believe in this cheap movie.

I do believe in Day Of The Dead witch is Dia De Los Muertos in mexico i believe in this day we celebrate becasue ever since i was little and growing up in mexico i remembe my mom putting an alter and putting pictures of my grandmothers and putting all their favorite food and their favorito drinks.

She would put sugar skulls in the altar to remember the death of my grandmother. The sugar skulls would signifite the day of the dead and the reason why we celebrate and why we need to remember the death of our love ones.
The altars that we  would put had to be very pretty and full with food and drinks to make it interesting for our love death ones to come and want to eat the food that we make. The altar had to be very nice and caring take care off in order to make our death love ones want to come and not be scare to get close to us.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Exorcist

I think The Exorcist was very scary in a way but at the same time it was funny and discusting. The part that stuck out to me more was when she was talking to her mom and she was talking bad about her self. She didnt know that the "demon" was in her. I think its crazy of the idea that a demon can get in your body and harm the people you love. This part was scary for me because its scary to think that you can turn your head all the way and not die. Overall i didnt think it was the scariest movie ever and couldnt sleep after that day. I thought it was 3 out 5 in scaryness. The more scary thing that happen was when she was talking to her mom she had a deep voice and she was saying scary stuff to her she didnt know that she was her mother she was just an ordinary person.  I dont think it still holds the power to scare because now a days they are more scary movies and they say that they are based on real life and some people believe on that stuff. In todays world of animation the part where scary faces show up in some scene still work because you dont know when the faces are going to show.

The parts that no longer work in my opinion is when she is going down the stair and shes crawling that does not scare me because anyone can do that you dont have to be posses by a demon to crawl down the stair in a scary way. And if she was crawling down the stair because the demon made her do that it would be more scarier and they shouldnt of been blood coming out of her mouth because i dont think demons would really have blood inside them and for blood to come out of her is just unrealistic

 The part that i think no longer is scary is also when they are taking the demon out of her its not scary because their is no action going on just some parts that she says words but their isint like spirits coming out her going really crazy that no one can control her. It would be more scary if she was talking with the deep voice if you could see the demon get out of her.

The part that i would like to know is why the demon got inside the priest and how did that happen. I thought that technology would of helped their because it could have shown a spirt getting out of linda and the going inside the priest and showing a scary face of the demon.

Also after that scene the priest kills him self by throwing his self out of the window. My question is even thought the priest died wouldnt that meant that the demon would of gotten inside back in to lindas body? What happened to the demon did he die too?

Also i thought it wasent scary because alot of the parts that were shown on the movie were in a way funny and their was some parts that just didnt make sense and their was no point of showin them.

Experince with horror movies

The first experience i had with my first scary movieswas The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. I thought the story was kind of insane that someone would be able to kill people for fun and just take their body parts away. The movie for me was scary because i had never seen a movie that had to do with a person killing other people for their faces. I think the most important thing that made the movie really scary was that you didnt know what was going to happen to the people on the movie. Also because in the movie the killer just appears out of no where and the music gives you the chills when his about to take the person parts off. The movie was scary because when the person would kill it shows when the guy is taking the persons head and all of its body part. Thats why i thought thay The Texas Chain saw Massacre was scary